Thursday, June 9, 2011

A post for post's sake

So I haven't exactly been diligent about posting this week BUT I do have a good reason for my absence: Midterms. Fear not, Wanderers, I am going to the beach tomorrow for a little R&R before my next exam and will be writing some new entries about this weeks adventures!

The weekend is finally here and with that brings Europride 2011!

Europride is a yearly event in Europe (creative how they tied that in there isn't it?) celebrating LGBT communities. Rome was chosen to host it this year and lucky for us, it is this Saturday! The event will consist of many fun celebratory activities including a parade and as the big finish, Lady Gaga has announced that she not only be in attendance but will be performing a FREE concert in the Circus Maximus. Now, I will be upfront with you all and say that I am not a huge Lady G. fan. Well, I'm not being completely forthright when I say that. I actually dislike her quite a bit but I will be in attendance to celebrate all those who are proud of who they are despite of what others may say. Also, Who turns down a free concert by one of the world's most sought after musical artists?

Not this college student, that's for sure.

Alright, so this was a longer post than intended but it happens. How shall I wrap it up? Hm. Well, here's a fun picture of cats sun-bathing in Republican Age Temple Ruins in the Field of Mars located at Largo Argentina in Rome.
See what I did there? I disguised a history lesson with something cute and cuddly. I'm sorry if you feel like you've been bamboozled. But, hey, you learned something there, didn't ya?

Ya did. Buona Notte!

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